30 Years with Aircom: Art and Cathy Share Their Journey

May 9, 2024

Not every company gets the opportunity to celebrate the 30-year anniversary of one employee, but at Aircom Instrumentation, we are celebrating two!

We are super proud and excited to share that we recently hit a huge company-wide culture milestone— Art and Cathy, 2 of our dedicated employees, celebrated their 30-year anniversaries with the company at the end of 2023. 

Habit HQ our communications partner caught up with Art and Cathy to discuss their stories, their journey with Aircom and how they feel about this huge feat. They were happy to share their thoughts and were flattered and proud of their accomplishments.

Art is the first Welder ever employed by Aircom, he has a heart bigger than life, an infectious laugh, and integrity as pure as the driven snow. Cathy is dedicated and jovial, she started as a part-time staff but joined the company full-time to help grow its vision. The Aircom family sends them a heartfelt congratulations.