The thermocouple is a temperature sensor created by joining two dissimilar metals together to form a sensing junction. The output is a very small EMF, which has a predictable value to the temperature of the sensing junction in reference to a reference junction.
The following material is general thermocouple information to assist and reference in the application of thermocouples to your process requirements.
The TC series Thermocouple sensor probes come in various styles unique to different applications. Each style consists of a thermocouple sensing junction protected by a sheath with a termination option.
Application: Thermocouple sensor probes are used widely across almost any and every commercial and industrial temperature process control application.
Customizable to suit your application.
Hand held thermocouple sensor probes are commonly used in conjunction with a hand held thermocouple reader. Aircom is capable of manufacturing custom hand held probes to suit your specific requirements.
Aircom is recognized by CSA with a certificate of compliance to manufacture thermocouple temperature sensor assemblies for use in hazardous locations. Thermocouple assemblies are customizable and made to order.
Aircom manufactures thermocouple temperature sensor assemblies for general locations. Thermocouple assemblies are customizable and made to order.
Ceramic thermocouple sensor probes are used in elevated temperature applications as the ceramic materials can be exposed to temperatures well above 1000° celcius. Fragile by nature, these styles are typically used inside a protection tube made from a ceramic or silica carbide material.
The Break To Length thermocouple and RTD sensor is designed to be used inside thermowells. The temperature sensor is manufactured in such a way that the end user can “break” the sensor to the desired length needed to suit the application.