Resistance temperature detectors, resistance thermometers, platinum resistance thermometers, or RTDs are sensors that measure temperature by means of resistance. RTDs are based on the principle that the electrical resistance of metals changes with temperature.
The following material is general RTD information to assist and reference in the application of RTD’s to your process requirements.
The RT series RTD sensor probes come in various styles unique to different applications. Each style consists of a RTD element protected by a sheath with a termination option.
Application: RTD sensor probes are used widely across almost any and every commercial and industrial temperature process control application.
Aircom is recognized by CSA with a certificate of compliance to manufacture RTD temperature sensor assemblies for use in hazardous locations. RTD assemblies are customizable and made to order.
Aircom manufactures RTD temperature sensor assemblies for general locations. RTD assemblies are customizable and made to order.